Microsoft has been web centric since the beginning of Studio .Net. It decided that there would be validation controls on the web forms. Controls that can be dropped on the web page, a few properties set and they would magically work...
Now this should be an easier task to implement on windows forms... with no restrictions such as statelessness. Windows forms is a desktop environment. You can do whatever you want to. And it would have taken a much lesser effort for Microsoft to provide such smart controls on windows forms. Then Why didn't Microsoft do so?
To add a column that has combo boxes, why do we have to go through a long process of creating a control that inherits from the textBoxColumn populate it with a populated combo box, then add it to tablestyles and then add the tableStyles to the grid. While there is a nice cool feature of a template column in web forms.
Microsoft has no way of knowing what you are going to put in the template column and yet it has given a model so simple that you can put whatever you want to into any of the columns of the datagrid. Hell I have seen Datagrids inside a column of a datagrid. And trust me the simplicity freaks you out.
I wonder why...!
Nilotpal Das
Consultant - Microsoft Technology Practice
Kanbay Software (I) Ltd.., Cell Phone: +91-98600-59190
Kanbay Software (I) Ltd.., Cell Phone: +91-98600-59190