I have to keep switching from a static IP to a dynamic IP every day and back. Dynamic IP at work and Static IP for my broadband at home. So being a developer the first thing I thought was to automate it. Home.bat for home IP Setting and office.bat for work IP settings.
Now to do this I would require elevated permissions on the command prompt (Thanks to super secure Windows Vista). And being lazy, I don't want to do the right click on the shortcut to command prompt and then click on "Run as administrator". And then click on Continue when prompted. Because that would call for me moving my hand away from the keyboard and go to the mouse pad on my laptop which is like an inch away from the keyboard... Or worse go all the way to the mouse which is a whole foot or so away from the keyboard... dang... that's a lot of hard work, having to go for the mouse and back to the keyboard twice a day... nyah i ain't doing that...
So I read and research and find out the fastest way of starting the command prompt in the elevated mode without leaving the keyboard. Create a shortcut on the quick launch bar. Right Click the shortcut go to properties and check the checkbox that says "Run as Administrator". Now to fire up the Command prompt all you have to do is Windows + (num) replace the Num with the num on which your shortcut is on the quick launch bar. so it if it 3rd from the left you do a Windows + 3. But wait... there is the prompt... so you can either click Alt + C to press Continue or go for Left Arrow Key and Enter. Personally I find both equally ergonomic because one takes a little extra effort, but you only have to move one hand and the other takes little lesser effort on both hands.
Ah...! I feel so relieved...!!